I have listed the number of homes currently listed for sale in the following communities as well as the current price ranges . These figures are as of October 2007. If you would like sales statistics for any neighbor hood in Hampton Roads to include Williamsburg, James City County, York County, New Kent, Hampton, Newport News, Poquoson, Isle of Wight, Suffolk, CHesapeake, Va Beach, Norfolk or Chesapaeake. I can send you a report that will show listed price and sales price, days on the market and other relevant information. This can give you a better feel for the market if you are considering buying or selling anywhere in the area.
Neighborhood Homes for sale Lowest Price Highest Price
Ford's Colony 175 $349,000 $2,100,000
Kingsmill 66 $320,000 $4,000,000
Governor's Land 49 $560,000 $2,250,000
Stonehouse 37 $360,000 $789,000
Colonial Heritage 13 $294,500 $499,950
Greensprings West 18 $409,900 $599,950
For additional Info contact John Womeldorf/ Liz Moore & Associates 757 254 8136
John@MrWilliamsburg.com email
www.MrWilliamsburg.com/ website
www.MrHamptonroads.com/ website
www.MrTidewater.com/ website
www.MrVaBeach.com/ website
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